Substantial weight loss is possible across a range of modalities, but long-term sustenance of lost weight is much more challenging, and weight regain is typical. In a meta-analysis of 29 long-term weight loss studies, more than half of the lost weight was regained within two years, and by five years more than 80% of lost weight was regained (Figure 1 below). Indeed, previous failed attempts at achieving durable weight loss may have contributed to the recent decrease in the percentage of people with obesity who are trying to lose weight. Long term weight management is extremely challenging due to interactions between our biology, behavior, and the obesogenic environment.
The rise in obesity prevalence over the past several decades has been mirrored by industrialization of the food system involving increased production and marketing of inexpensive, highly-processed foods. Ultraprocessed foods now contribute the majority of calories consumed and their overconsumption has been implicated as a causative factor in weight gain. Such foods are typically more calorically dense and far less healthy than unprocessed foods such as fruits, vegetables, and fish. Food has progressively become cheaper, fewer people prepare meals at home and more food is consumed in restaurants.
In addition, changes in the physical activity environment have made it more challenging to be active throughout the day. Occupations have become more sedentary and suburban sprawl necessitates vehicular transportation rather than walking to work or school as had been common in the past. Taken together, changes in the food and physical activity environments tend to drive individuals towards increased intake, decreased activity, and ultimately weight gain. Changing the foods you eat is a simple step in the right direction to help you lose weight and keep it off. REPLY to this email to receive our free clean eating grocery list today.
Stay Blessed.
Kosta Hatziandreou
Changing your life through movement